Sunday, August 30, 2009

Restore Order (Almost) Day

I plan to restore order to the storage area today.
That will take a lot out of me but I will pace myself, I promise.
I have only taken my "normal" dose of Cesamet this morning, not my "out-and-about" dose.
That might prove to be a mistake.
I took the extra dose yesterday because we were in Ottawa for my little chickadee's birthday. (And once again, Cesamet came through like a trooper!)
And I have to take the extra dose tomorrow because I will be in Ottawa for the better part of the day.
Then I have to take the extra dose for each of the next two days while we are in "travel status."
If I were to take it today as well, that would make five consecutive days of the higher dose; surpassing the four days that I took it when we went to Toronto. And I don't know yet if the set-back that I suffered following that trip was a "come-down" effect from that higher dose. Not sure I want to test the theory just yet.
But today is restore order to the storage area day. So restore order I will!

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