Sunday, August 30, 2009

I'm absolutely exhausticated ...

... as we say in this house.
John got home half way through that sorry excuse for a ball game. But he had forgotten to bring home a very special gift so he wanted to go back and get it. I watched the game but John slept through a good chunk of it (he may as well have; it's not like there was anything much worth watching). We lost 7-0 -- it wasn't a ballgame, it was a mop-up. And Doc was on the mound! My boys have given up, I tell you.
When the game finished, we had something to eat (we don't always worry too much about "meals" per se around here). Then we jumped in the truck and went right back to the gun club so he could pick up the trout that's been in the freezer for a week.
Once we got home from there we were finally able to address the storage area.
And now I am truly and thoroughly exhausticated.
Don't misunderstand me.
The storage area isn't yet fully restored to its rightful state. I will finish that when we return from our mini-trip on Thursday.
But the entrance to my home is now back to almost normal. And a whole lot of stuff has been thrown out.
There is an impressive amount of room in that storage area now!
Good thing too.
Cuz I have all sorts of things that can be stored back there.
Now that I have the space.
Not tonight though.
Cuz I'm exhausticated.

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