Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Enough Already!

It looks like this heat is finally breaking -- and not a minute too soon.
Did I mention that the night before this heat wave started our ceiling fan broke?
You heard about Murphy's Law; the one that was written to justify my existence?
Well, it still applies!
We've had to move the floor fan around with us in the living/dining room area according to what we're doing.
Sleeping hasn't been a problem for me, fortunately, because we have a fan blowing right on us. Frankly, I'm thinking the Cesamet is helping in that department because I'm not waking up once I go to sleep (now that's a treat and half let me tell you!)
But I have been dragging bottom like a wet dishrag for the past several days and I can't bear it anymore. This heat just does me in. But I feel like if I don't start moving soon, I won't be able to move when I try to.
Got up this morning and the nausea is back; and my right hip is sore to the heavens. And my legs just don't want to co-operate today. They feel like lead weights.
I just don't get it.
Why am I not bouncing back?
Is it heat exhaustion?
Or is it a fibro flare-up?
Perhaps it's a bit of both, the one having been brought on by the other.
Perhaps this heat wave is such that nothing can prevent the fibro flare up that would ensue.
Perhaps I just expect too much.
But having just extolled the virtues of Cesamet so highly, it's really difficult for me to understand why I'm now experiencing so much discomfort.
I'm toying with a theory that I will have to discuss with my pharmacist when I pick up my prescription refills later today.
I wonder if my body is trying to tell me that it wants a higher dosage of Cesamet than it is getting.
While I was in Toronto, I was taking more Cesamet than I'm taking when I'm sitting at home. On days that I make trips into Ottawa, I take a higher dose of Cesamet. I wonder if my body wants to be getting that higher dose every day -- not just on days when I'm "on the go."
If that's what's happening, we will have a problem because my "on the go" dose is the highest dose my doctor will allow me to take. So if I take the maximum dose every day, what will I do when I need extra oomph for my "on the go" days? And what will I do when we make that Halifax trip? I will definitely need huge guns for that excursion!

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