Sunday, May 24, 2009

Ooops, that was dumb!

What a dufus I am!
After declaring the new meds a cautious success on Friday, I had a terrible night that night. I had wakened at 2:00am in terrible pain. And I could not get comfortable, no matter what I tried. Naturally, my first thought was that the new meds weren't so great after all. Just like all the other stuff, they worked to "mask" the discomfort during the day while I "did stuff" and then I paid the price all night long with non-stop pain. Imagine my surprise when I went to get yesterday morning's meds and saw that I hadn't taken my meds the night before! Big time OOOOOOPs! No wonder I was in such discomfort all night. Pain meds can't work if you don't take them!
Since the instructions are to take a missed dose as soon you realize it was missed, I took my Friday evening's bedtime meds yesterday morning, knowing full well that I would probably go to sleep. I also took my normal yesterday morning meds. Well, go to sleep I did -- from 9:30am until 1:00pm, when I got up and had breakfast. By 2:30pm, I was getting about my business for the day. I consider that I lost yesterday; I just sat around and did nothing all day.
I made sure I didn't forget to take my meds last night and had a marginally better night. At least I slept a little more soundly. I woke at 4:00am having to switch positions and had great difficulty getting comfortable again -- both hips were burning in pain! Eventually I got up at 5:30am so John would not be disturbed by my thrashing around. So the stuff isn't working yet in terms of enhancing my sleep to where I will call it a success in that department.
However, I did slap on the TENs machine and do my scheduled 15 minutes on the exercise bicycle this morning. So I am still right on schedule with that; all is not lost!

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