Thursday, May 28, 2009

A Bit of a Setback.

Unfortunately, I guess I have to admit to having had a bit of a setback in my new fitness regime (and perhaps in my new pain med regime).
After boasting that I had managed 17 minutes on the exercise bicycle, I have just put in two days of extreme fatigue and extraordinary pain. I can only assume that my body isn't ready yet to exceed 15 minutes on that darned bike. My legs have been extremely sore, and both last night and the night before were spent in excruciating discomfort, all night long. Needless to say, I am very tired!
I also have to take back my qualified success rating for the new pain meds. Every evening, approaching supper time, I am hit with a severe case of nausea. So much so that it is all I can do to down my meal. Then I spend the rest of the evening in constant flux. It is not fun. The only thing I can attribute that to is the new pain meds. But I don't understand the phenomenon because these meds are prescribed as an anti-nauseant for cancer treatment! Leave it to me to experience the rarest of reactions.
In any event, I was going to increase the dosage to try to gain greater pain relief, but I think I will delay that move until I see my doctor and discuss this matter with him. I will be doing that next week so I will just continue as I am for now and hope that things don't get any worse.
Today's plan? I will limit myself to 15 minutes on the bicycle. This afternoon, I go into Ottawa for physio, after which I have a sleepover at my daughter's place (woo hoo I get to see my favourite boy again!) Tomorrow I will again have breakfast with my favourite sister before heading home in the morning.

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