Thursday, May 21, 2009

And the beat goes on ...

... and the beat goes on. Can you hear Sonny and Cher? Neither can I. But I sure can feel the pounding in my head!
My eyes are almost shut from the pressure but this is clearly not a migraine or it would be gone by now because I used my super-duper migraine-b-gone medicine last night and it always works. I also don't have any of the other signs of typical migraine so I know this is not one. It is clearly as a result of the new pain med so I am taking Tylenol #3 to try to chase it away (not having much luck yet).
My hips certainly feel better so I am hopeful that my brain will adjust soon. I would hate to have to stop taking this since it is giving me the relief where I need it. Must we always trade one pain for another?
I woke during the night feeling quite groggy again. This stuff really does have to be "slept off" but I had great difficulty getting back to sleep. Mentally I was quite awake but physically I just couldn't do it. Eventually I did go back to sleep and when I woke for the day I felt quite wretched; it took me a while to join civilization and crawl out of bed. Of course, it didn't help that my head was still pounding. I can't really say that my energy level is very high on this stuff. While I don't have pain, I also don't have much of anything else. So that begs the question: is this cure worth it? If I can't (or don't want to) function while on this stuff, do I really want to take it? The goal is to be pain-free and functional.
Perhaps once my "brain adjusts" things will be different. It is, after all, only one week today since I started taking this new medication. I will let my jury stay out another week before passing judgement, unless circumstances change enough to induce a decision before then.

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