Monday, May 4, 2009

My continuing "new meds" saga

So, it looks like addiction is settling in. But I'm going to do my darndest to resist it. Here's the scoop.
  • On Saturday, when I was out on my car-buying escapade, I forgot to take my pain med at the scheduled time. So, I took it when I thought of it -- at around noon, which was about three hours late.
  • That evening, I was heading to bed at around 7:30pm (yes, to bed, I was very tired and where else does one go when one's day is done?) I took my bedtime meds, including my pain med, without realizing that it was only seven hours since my last dose of pain med. Not a good idea.
  • I awoke at 1:30am and lay awake reading for some two hours. Still couldn't go back to sleep. Got up and checked my e-mail; that took about two minutes. Watched a taped program in my arsenal of not-yet-watched television shows. Couldn't really apply myself to it so stopped doing that. Then I realized: I was wired (high) from taking two doses of that damned stuff too close together.
  • I think I managed to doze off briefly between 5:00am and 6:00am when I got up for the day. I took my next pain med at what would have been the normal scheduled dosing time, 9:30am. By that time, I noticed that I was feeling mildly nauseous.
  • The nausea continued all day and worsened considerably as the day wore on. I attributed it to the lack of sleep. By 8:30pm, I was so serioulsy nauseated that I decided to just go to bed for the night, but I wanted to take a sleeping aid to ensure that I would stay asleep -- I needed the rest desperately. I took my bedtime meds, adding a sleep aid that I use on occasion, but left out the pain med. I didn't want to combine the pain med with the sleep aid -- enough is enough!
  • Got up this morning at around 6:00am, having slept through the night quite nicely. My pain level is really no worse than it usually is (with or without pain meds). Couldn't really partake of breakfast because of the nausea which continued until about a half hour after I took the pain med at 9:30am.
  • Obviously, the nausea was from NOT taking the pain med, I suspect, as well as the high I went into after the accidental overdose. I'll be sure not to let that happen again!

If this experience is what happens after only three weeks on this medication, what am I potentially doing to myself staying on it for another three weeks? Since my pharmacist assured me that it is OK to not take a dose and in fact it is better to do so since the less I take the better it is for me, that is what I'm going to do. I will skip a dose of the pain med whenever I can. I'll just choose my times carefully so that I don't subject myself to any more suffering than is necessary. And I will absolutely ensure that I NEVER again take two doses so close together as to cause an overdose high response which then causes withdrawal symptoms. I cannot for the life of me even begin to imagine why junkies think this is fun??????

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