Thursday, April 30, 2009

My Doctor's Office Called ...

My doctor's office called this morning, in response to the message I sent on Tuesday. I had told him that unless he had another suggestion for me, I was going to stop the new meds that weren't controlling my pain any better than the other meds had been. I figure I may as well go back on the other meds since they aren't quite as harmful to the system as the new meds. His advice? Stay on the new meds until I see the rheumatologist at the end of May and hope that he has some magic solution.
I agreed to follow his advice but only until then. If, come 22 May, the rheumatologist has no new ideas to relieve my hip pain, my doctor will be seeing me on his doorstep once again to discuss where we go next. He has already mentioned a couple of other options but wants to wait and see what the specialist offers. I guess I should grant him that.
Today, I go for my bi-weekly massage -- something I'm going to enjoy immensely. My therapist and I have come to call my massage appointments our "giggle hour." We discuss everything under the sun and there are many topics that elicit much laughter, which has proven to be vastly beneficial for both of us. Nothing gets the endorphins going like a good laugh. She tells me that many of her clients prefer to sleep through their massages; I can't imagine why they would. When you combine the relaxation benefits of massage therapy with the endorphin-raising effects of laughter, you get double the therapeutic value of the session. Often when I leave my session, my therapist thanks me for the benefit she derived from the hour -- perhaps I should start charging her?

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