Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Wow, I could have had a disaster today.
I left home in such a hurry this morning that I had forgotten a few minor important details in my prepping routine: I forgot to take my mid-morning medication (which includes my pain pill); AND I forgot to put on my earrings.
Now, perhaps I should explain.
I have a routine that helps ensure that I don't forget to do what needs to be done. Anyone who suffers with fibromyalgia will be aware of the term "fibro fog." Well, when I'm in a "fibro flare up" I'm in major fibro fog, and I would forget my head if it weren't attached. So, to keep the damage to a minimum, I try to keep to a routine.
For some reason, this morning I strayed from my routine and did almost everything in the wrong order. In fact, there really was no order to the routine I didn't follow this morning. Hence, I forgot to put on my earrings when I got dressed -- that is the last thing I do in the "getting dressed" routine but I got side-tracked this morning. Now, anyone who knows me, knows that I absolutely NEVER leave the house with "barenaked ears." If I had not been running late this morning, I really would have gone back home to get earrings as soon as I realized that I had forgotten them (I have been known to do just that in the past).
As to my medication, there is a set of pills I take mid-morning, and one of those pills is my Codeine Contin. I was running late this morning and left the house without taking those pills. I now know very well that the Codeine works, if I take it! By the time I got to the physiotherapist's office, I could barely walk to get from the car to her office -- I was really dragging bottom!
Things were much improved when I left physio after having received my top-to-bottom acupuncture treatment, so the day wasn't completely lost. I was able to make my other two stops before heading home.
But I was still in the big city with bare naked ears and nothing can account for that!

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