Thursday, April 16, 2009

Long two days ahead ...

After a rather rough night last night, I'm facing two long days ahead me.
I don't know what the problem was last night but I couldn't get comfortable for love nor money. It seems my legs weren't going to be happy regardless to what position they were in. When that happens, the pain permeates my dreams and definitely affects the quality of sleep, leaving me feeling tired and washed out the next day. So I know what I'm in for today. And I have to go in to the big city again. But you can be sure I won't take myself off routine and be caught without having taken my pain medicine before I leave. And I most certainly won't be leaving the house with barenaked ears today!
The trip today is a pleasure trip, combined with commitment duties. So I threw in a physio treatment since I would be there anyway. My hairdresser quit working from a salon, where I used to be able to book a morning appointment, and now works from her home but she only has evening hours. That means when I get my hair cut, I also have to stay overnight in the city because I cannot drive in the dark (another of my afflictions). Today is haircut day (evening).
On this particular overnight visit, I won't be staying at my daughter's place, although I hope to stop in briefly to say hi after my haircut. This time, I will have a "sleepover" at a friend's place. We will go for a leisurely dinner then sit and chat for as long as my body lets me (some visits we make it until 9:00pm!)
Then in the morning, I will pick up my sister and we will go for breakfast before she has to report to work. We don't get to see each other nearly often enough so whenever we can organize a breakfast visit, we take advantage of the opportunity.
After breakfast, I will report to my doctor's office for a 9:30am appointment. He is notorious for being behind schedule so I can expect to be there until about 11:30am -- a wait that is brutal for me and I never miss the opportunity to tell him so. It is beyond me how they can get so far behind so early in the day, but it happens every time. My last visit was for an 8:15am appointment. He starts at 8:00am; I didn't see him until 9:30am -- how does that work?
Tomorrow, however, the wait in my doctor's office will prove somewhat beneficial since I have to wait somewhere. I'm playing day surgery pick-up for a friend who is having a minor procedure performed at the Civic Hospital. She should be ready for pick-up at around 12:30pm (or so we are told) and I will take her home and play nursemaid for a bit until I establish that she is OK. After the recent episode with my husband's surgery, I'm not predicting any kind of timeline ahead of the event. So I know that tomorrow will also be a long day.
However, the payoff for two long days is that I will have had spent quality time with a very good friend as well as with my favourite sister and I will have performed a necessary helpful function for another very good friend. Oh, and I will have had physio and a hair cut, and seen my doctor; each of which is necessary as well.
Not bad for someone who really needs to pace herself. I'll rest when I get home. I can hear the bath tub calling me already.

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