Thursday, April 23, 2009

Sorry for being so irresponsible!

Apparently my fanbase missed me on Tuesday and Wednesday this week. I'm really sorry for being so irresponsible.
As I mentioned in my earlier post today, I spent yesterday in the city and came home dog-tired, so that explains the lack of post yesterday. As to Tuesday's missing post, I had spent that day readying my old laptop for the transfer of information to the new laptop that I was picking up the next day.
I also didn't have much to report on Tuesday. We had run a couple of errands and I had spent the rest of the day cleaning up the old laptop and rounding up original software CDs that would have to be installed on the new laptop. I didn't think that was worthy of posting here. But apparently my fanbase needs to know what I'm doing on a daily basis.
I will try to do better, I promise.

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