Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Recovery Day

Had a rough night last night.
Can't lie on my right side cuz my hip hurts too much (that's par for the course and since I'm still on the lower dose of Cesamet, I'm not enjoying the pain relief of earlier days).
Can't lie on my left side cuz besides the fact that the left hip also hurts, that's the arm where I got the H1N1 shot -- and man is that sucker sore!!!!!!!!!!!!
Really gotta work on those levitation skills, I guess.
Anyway, I woke at just before 1:00am
I woke again at around 3:00am
I finally dragged myself out of bed at 4:00am so John could continue sleeping undisturbed by my thrashing about trying to get comfortable.
I can barely lift my left arm this morning it is that sore!
I don't remember my arm being that sore following the seasonal flu vaccine.  And the nurse even asked me which hand I used before giving me the shot.  So they obviously know that people experience this response.  But I do know from other people that the pain is shortlived so that's some consolation.

My beautiful boy called last night.
He's planning again.
You see, Grandma is going for a sleep-over tomorrow.
So he needed to know yesterday what he'll have for supper tomorrow (he believes in pre-planning -- perhaps Canada's health officials should take a page from his book).  He so's cute.  I pick up the phone and I hear, "Hi Grandma, when you come here next time wanna go to Wendy's?"
Now, I'm a pushover for my beautiful boy.  My overnight visits are our special times together and they are his opportunities to choose our dining pleasure.
He wants to go to Wendy's.  Wendy's it is!
But first I have to make him squirm.  So I usually try to pretend that I'm not in the mood for his suggestion or I don't like that place anymore or I just want to stay in or some such thing to make him worry.
And it works.
For about a nanosecond.
Cuz he's onto me now.
So last night he waits me out.
And then he says, "So Grandma, when you come here, can we go to Wendy's?"
My beautiful boy can get me laughing just as readily as my little chickadee does -- he really is a chip off the young block!
And every time I talk to him, I hear the evidence of his growing and maturing.
Now, before we hang up, I hear those beautiful words, "I love you too Grandma."
Is there any more delightful phrase to the ears?????
Love you too, my beautiful boy!

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