Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Had a Better Night Last Night ...

It really is amazing how much benefit I get from that physio session.
I actually slept through 'til 2:30am last night -- that's a record for me of late!  Then I went right back to sleep until what has become my normal wake up time -- 4:30am.
But I woke feeling rested for the first time in a very long time.
My physio session, as I've mentioned, is really a neck-to-ankle acupuncture session (we get a lot of consultation opportunity during the needle insertion and removal time).
I lie on the table, face down, arms over my head, with ice packs under my groin.  Acupuncture needles are placed in the appropriate positions from top to bottom.  Then heat packs are placed on top of the needles across my upper/mid back and my lower back (the needles under the heat packs, of course, are inserted on an angle to allow the heat packs to be positioned over them).  It feels marvelous.

I am then left to bask in the effects for up to a half hour (keeping in mind that it often takes up to fifteen minutes to put all these needles in since there are sometimes interruptions during the process).
Once the needles are removed, my therapist attempts to do some traction on me.  Some days are better than others and my hips almost squeal with delight as she pulls my ankles.
But not yesterday.
Yesterday was a no-go; I couldn't bear even a gentle pull.
But I was sure aware of the benefit I had received from that acupuncture session!
From there, I went for my "booby squishing" test (mammogram).
Interestingly enough, I arrived about twenty minutes earlier than I needed to be there and they actually took me about that much ahead of time!
I walked out of the place about ten minutes after my scheduled appointment time.
Not very often that happens with a medical appointment!
Then I went to have my snow tires installed and for an almost-time-to-get-anyway oil change.
I arrived there a half hour earlier than I had anticipated so they too took me early.  I was on a roll!
Until the mechanic came over to tell me he would have to replace my air filter.  He was carrying the oil filter that he had taken out of my car -- complete with a sizeable mouse nest attached.  It was a very interesting display; too bad I didn't get a photo.
So much fun living in the country!
Finding evidence of mice activity in my vehicle is a perennial problem!
Back in about 1999, I had to replace the heater fan assembly because a mouse had nested in there and broken the whole damned thing -- which I found out on the first cold morning when I had no heat as I tried to drive to work!  Another time, my mechanic lifted the hood for the oil change and he was greeted by a dead mouse peeking up from the centre bowl of the engine -- nicely tucked into its nest!
Why do those mouses love my cars so much?  Back to the "mouse be gone" treatment in earnest.
Today I'll take it easy because I don't want to undo the benefit I gained from yesterday's treatment.
My therapist gave me another hint of something to try for extra help with my hips, which I will try because every tip she's given me so far has been supremely beneficial. When I described what the pain is like in my hips, she said (again) that I'm describing classic degeneration and she doesn't understand why it doesn't show up in X-rays.  She isn't alone in being puzzled by this.  For fifteen years specialists have told me that my symptoms and their examinations of me absolutely support a diagnosis of degeneration -- but the tests do not bear that out!  Ergo, it must be bursitis!
All I know is, whatever it is, it hurts like hell.
All the time.
And it's wearing me down.

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