Saturday, March 24, 2012

Those damned Mack trucks

Yep, they've struck again!
After such a long absence, I'd almost forgotten about them.
But they made an appearance again last night.
I woke this morning (after spending a dreadful night trying to get some restful sleep) feeling like I'd been run over by at least twenty Mack trucks during the night.
Consequently, I've spent the day doing next to nothing.
The effort of taking my shower and drying my hair just about did me in. It was unbelievable how tired I was after that.
For most of the day, it has been a supreme challenge to put one foot in front of another.
A good part of the day was spent sleeping in fact.
I must admit, I still don't feel a whole lot better.
Sure hope there won't be too many more of these days in my future!

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