Monday, January 30, 2012

This is it!

Well, here it is, 4:10am and I'm up for the day.
I know, not much different from most days for me.
Except this time, I haven't had much sleep.
I turned off the light at 11:00pm last night and tossed and turned.
This hotel room is gorgeous, indeed.
But it is not my bed.
And not my pillow.
And I just couldn't get comfortable.
I also simply couldn't turn my head off.
I did eventually fall asleep though.
Only to wake at 2:00am, at which time I drank the first of two cups of apple juice that I'm allowed to have between midnight and 4:30am.   I am right now drinking the second cup of that allotted allowance.
Why the 4:30am cut-off?
Because my arrival time at hospital, as I found out at 5:30pm last evening, is 6:00am today.
And my allowable "clear liquid" intake must stop 90 minutes before that scheduled arrival time.
Of course, I still have to take that second shower to disinfect my left upper leg (read:  do the surgical scrub team's job for them).
But at least with the early arrival time, we know that I have an early appointment with the surgeon.
So maybe, just maybe, by supper time I'll be in my room and my loved ones will be able to visit me.
I might not know they're visiting me, but at least their minds will be put to rest after the long day they will have put in.
With luck, I'll be able to post here tomorrow morning, even if only to say "Ouch, my incision hurts."

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