Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Six more sleeps

Again last night, my sleep was very restless.
This is NOT good. I'm supposed to be resting, building up strength -- not zapping it!
Oh well, at least the worst of the fibro flare-up has settled down. Thank God that was a short lived episode -- not like previous ones that have lasted five to six days.  Perhaps I willed it away, doing relaxation (deep breathing) exercises.
Today, I'm supposed to go into the big city for my final Ottawa physio session.  I'll certainly miss my sessions with her and will appreciate when I can get back to her, probably some time late March, early April.  My prime reason for seeing her is for fibro pain management and since I will still have fibro after my hip is fixed, I anticipate still needing her services on an on-going basis.
I'm also supposed to be meeting my sister-in-law for lunch today.  I'm looking forward to the opportunity to give her her Christmas present (yes, I have not seen her since early December -- scheduling is a problem).
Now, I'm saying "supposed to" for these two activities because I don't know what our roads are like so I don't know if I'll be able to get out of here.
You see, we had a lot of freezing rain yesterday.  We didn't have mail service, presumably because the mail carrier couldn't get in. By dinner time last evening, our road was a veritable skating rink.  Usually, when we have these weather conditions, it takes a day or so before the roads are passable.  They're really quite treacherous.
I mean, if we could get to the main road, there would be no problem -- it's getting to the main road that is the obstacle.  (Not to mention getting out of my garage!)  The roads out of here are narrow, windy, hilly and made of gravel -- and when they're covered with ice, they're quite difficult to manoeuvre.  It's not unusual for us to be iced in several times in a winter.  Already this year, we've missed three days of postal delivery!
So, if I am unable to make the trip to Ottawa today, I'll take this ice-olation as God's way of looking after me.  His way of enforcing another day of rest on me (which in the scheme of things, won't be the worst idea in the world).

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