Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Spring has finally sprung!

Wow, it's fabulous out there today!
Yesterday was cold and dreary and yucky but today is sunny and bright and spring-like -- just fabulous.
I was in the big city yesterday; went for my physio session.  She was delighted to hear that I'm back to my walking, even if it is only for ten minutes every other day.  As she reminded me, it's best to stay the course if the course is working.  Don't rock the boat!
I've been pacing myself quite nicely lately so my pain level is way down.  Even my hips are being nice to me -- to the point where I was beginning to wonder if I need hip replacement.  My physiotherapist told me the test is to stress my hips and find out:  can I rotate my leg?
The answer of course is, "No, absolutely not!  That is precisely the movement that causes excruciating pain."
"So don't go fooling yourself," she said.  "Just because you're feeling better doesn't mean your hip isn't degenerated.  You're feeling better because you're not stressing the hip.  Before, you were doing stuff you should not have been doing.  So keep doing what you're doing now -- stay the course until you get it fixed."
Sounds like pretty good advice to me.
Once I finished there, I stopped in for a quick visit with my good friend, LC -- although it turned into a bit of a longer stop than it should have been.  Sorry about that MLC.
Eventually, I got to MLC's workplace and we went to pick up MBB.
My haircut appointment wasn't until 7:15pm so we killed time by going back to MLC's place so MBB could do his homework and shower before we went for supper (burgers at Wendy's).
After I got beautiful again, it was back to MLC's so MBB could get to bed.  Then, MLC asked if she could "go out" -- all the way next door -- leaving me to my own devices with her crazy television set-up (it always gives me fits!).
This morning, I collected many hugs and kisses before leaving bright and early to pick up my best friend sister so we could have breakfast before she had to report to her office.  And this time, a good friend from our high school days -- she of many last names -- joined us.  And once my sister went to work, she of many last names and I sat and talked for another full hour before we left the joint.
It was a great start to the morning, to be sure.
En route home, I only had one stop to make and when I arrived here, our cleaning lady was almost finished her tour of the house.  It was a real treat to come home to a spic-and-span abode.
Spring has sprung, the birdies are abundant, the sun is shining.
Life is good.

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