Sunday, July 25, 2010

Mack came back ...

As in, mack the truck that is.
With a vengeance.
Nobody told me they changed routes again.
Haven't been any mack trucks through this way in a long time.
But last night --- ooooooooooooooooooooooooh.
Many mack trucks came through.
This morning, I woke barely able to move.
My entire body is aching like I've been put through a wringer.
Shoulders and upper back are especially sore.
So there was no walk today.
Instead, this is a second day of rest, whether I like it or not.
Hopefully, tomorrow will be a better day and I can get back on track.


Christine said...

Try not to get too discouraged. But it must be tough to wake up in that state.

Christine said...

Try not to be too discouraged. It must be tough though to wake up feeling like that. YIKES!!!