Saturday, July 10, 2010

Dressed to Impress

Up since 3:00am again today.
I didn't take the sleeping med again last night; I've decided to stop it altogether and that may not be the right decision but I'm staying with it at least until my next visit (fight) with my doctor in a couple of weeks.
It would seem that my claim that it was not doing anything to alleviate my leg cramps wasn't quite accurate.
Inaccurate how, you ask?
Well, this morning, after only the second night of not having taken one of those pills, my calves are already back to feeling like lead blocks.
And they hurt!
Which means that the medication was doing something for my leg cramps, just not enough to eliminate them altogether so I figured it wasn't working. 
But the medication has also caused a steady weight gain -- seven pounds in only two weeks!
And I absolutely can't have that.  Here I am, walking my heart out every day, eating carefully and healthily, and I'm gaining weight!  No way, no how, I'm going to allow myself to get heavy again.  Just not gonna happen.
Plus, I've been getting increasingly depressed since I started taking that stuff.
And there is no way in hell I'm going to allow that phenomenon to continue.  (After only two days off it, the depression is starting to lift, as the tone of this blog will attest.  It continues to amaze me how quickly I react/respond to medications; hence my ongoing 'fights' with my doctor who insists that these occurrences shouldn't happen.)
So, I'll take the leg cramps over weight gain and depression any day.
We'll have to deal with the sleep deprivation some other way, and I guess I'll have to tolerate the feeking leg cramps (thanks again, MFN, for the word -- I do love it!).
Anyway, I got decked out this morning for my 18-minute walk (tomorrow, I hit the 20-minute goal), prepared to avoid the deer flies as much as possible.
I wore long pants instead of shorts (but I had to put shorts on over the pants because my pants don't have pockets -- my shorts do).
I hijacked one of John's long-sleeved shirts because I don't own a summer-weight one.
I saturated myself with bug-juice and headed out.
Surely, even the deer flies would keep their distance from me!
Bonnie -- Dressed to Impress
There was a wonderfully cool, light breeze this morning, so very few deer flies.
And wouldn't you know it?
Even in this get-up, I had to fight off those damned few deer flies that were out!
I guess I just have to face it.
I  AM  irresistible!

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