Saturday, July 11, 2009

A Pattern is Emerging ...

A pattern of wonderful news is emerging with respect to my pain level.
Remember my doctor told me to try taking an extra 1mg of this new-fangled controlled substance on those days that I was going to be running about and needed extra pain relief? Well, the first of those days happened to be this past Thursday. However, rather than take a full 1mg of the stuff, I still have some .5mg capsules left from the early days of this test, so I thought I would try just taking an extra half dose. The way I figure it -- why take any more drug than I need?
Turns out .5mg isn't enough for outings to Ottawa, but at least I tried. I guess my doctor knows of what he speaks. However, once we got home and I rested, my leg returned to a comfortable level quite readily and did not cause me any extra problems that night.
The next day, yesterday, we had to go into town to do some light grocery shopping. I'm pretty sure that was not the type of outing my doctor and I were discussing when he suggested I take the extra dose. Naturally, I didn't take extra. I made it until half-way through the massive grocery store; by the time we got to the cash, I was dragging my right leg. But again, once we got home and I sat down and rested, the pain subsided very quickly. There was no residual tooth-ache like throbbing that I used to be left with after such outings. Nor did my legs cause me any extra discomfort last night.
My conclusion? These new meds are obviously doing something positive because I can assure you, prior to my taking them, sitting and resting most certainly did not bring relief. Come to think of it, I no longer have the ever-present, constantly throbbing pain in my hips -- and that speaks volumes!

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