Friday, July 17, 2009

I have to declare it a Success!

OK, the new meds are absolutely, positively, without a doubt, working. How do I know, you ask?
We left this house at approximately 9:45am on Wednesday to head into Ottawa for what turned into a very long day indeed; we didn't walk back in the door until 10:30PM -- almost 13 hours later! That's a marathon day for most people but especially for someone like me. But I had taken my extra 1mg capsule of pain med that morning. I suffered no ill effects from the extra drug and other than fatigue, one would not have known that a month ago I could not have even considered such an outing! That night, my legs did not give me any extra grief and I slept remarkably well.
Yesterday, I puttered around here taking care of a few things that needed tending to and we went into town to run a few errands. Other than the fatigue factor, I was able to manage almost like a normal person. Last night again, I slept very well.
My legs still feel like they've walked a marathon (muscles aching in that "wow, you haven't used me in a very long time" kind of way). But all that tells me is that I must have been walking like a normal person and engaging muscles in a normal fashion (something that is not "normal" for me). However, I don't have the pain in my hips that had been such a problem for me and was preventing me from walking any distance. And that is the pain that we were trying to address with this new medication. Now we know that the 6mg daily maximum dosage is what works for me, and I just filled a 30-day prescription yesterday -- cost $1329.00 (good thing I have 100% reimbursement insurance!)
So now that we've FINALLY gotten rid of the hip pain, I need to "train" my leg muscles -- because I plan to be walking so they best get used to it!

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