Sunday, May 1, 2011

My Sleep Study report

The results of my sleep study are in (I actually got the report on Friday but I've been busy with my new toy ... my iPad2 also arrived that afternoon).
The good news:  I don't have sleep apnea.
The not news:  I should not sleep supine.
Duhhhh!  Why don't they tell me something I don't know.
I mean, really.  That's what precipitated this whole exercise.
My request to my doctor stated:  "I'm trying to train myself to sleep on my back since I can't sleep on either side for any length of time.  But I've noticed troubling breathing problems ..."
And the sleep study's Interpretation and Recommendations?  "This is loud snoring mainly.  Nothing here explains her spontaneous arousals and daytime sleepiness.  For the small amount of sleep-disordered breathing seen, learning to sleep off supine would be helpful."
So I should learn to sleep off supine, should I?
OK, I'll get right on that.
I can explain the spontaneous arousals:  hip pain.
I can explain the daytime sleepiness:  lack of restorative sleep resulting from spontaneous arousals due to hip pain.
I'll return to sleeping off supine just as soon as I get these damned hips fixed.
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