Thursday, May 26, 2011

The fatigue has finally lifted

OK, I've finally come out of that cave I've been occupying for the past several days.
Thank goodness this latest flare-up didn't last as long as some!
Yesterday, I actually felt like a member of the human race again, although I was still quite sluggish.  I thought I was "back" but wanted to go slow and easy, just in case.  So, I sat and read for the day.
At least that was my intent.
But every time I opened the book, I fell asleep!
So I guess I wasn't quite out of the woods yet.
But today, I'm fairly confident that the fog has lifted.
I know it's early going yet, seeing as how it's only 5:00am and I'm just beginning my day, but I can tell by the way my body feels that things are different today.
So again, I'll take it slow and easy simply because I don't want to fall back into that hole.
Anyway, today is massage day, and my therapist comes to my home, which makes for a very undemanding day for me.  And when she leaves, around 2:30pm, I'll be left in a vegetative state for the remainder of the day.
That should guarantee a good night's sleep tonight, leaving me ripe and ready for action as we head into the week-end.
What action, you might ask?
We have no plans; no commitments.
But I'll be ready and able to participate, should anything present itself.

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