Thursday, October 18, 2012


This being Thursday, I am very much looking forward to my massage therapy session this afternoon.
Lord knows I need it!
On Tuesday, my physiotherapist gave me a couple of new exercises to do to help with this damned bursitis.  Every time we add new exercises, I find new pains for a while -- although it's always short term pain for long term gain.  She has never steered me wrong yet so I know I will soon be seeing the benefit.
Yesterday, we ran around doing errands and added a side trip to the book store (we both love browsing there!).  Too many stops for me and I wore myself out.  Oooops!
This morning, I see my (new) family doctor to have my physical.  I plan to discuss with her this issue of bursitis vs need for hip replacement.  I really don't know what to think about my right hip.  I need guidance!  (I also need help understanding the why of the bursitis in my "new" left hip.)
Of course, the other hot topic with her will be my hands.  They continue to be problematic but the swelling is very intermittent.  I'm sure it would be much easier to diagnose if something would remain persistent long enough for her to witness it.
In any event, I'll come home from that appointment to get ready for a wonderful hour of massage therapy, after which I will probably take a short nap.
My angel and her husband are joining us for dinner this evening and I'm quite looking forward to their visit.   Haven't seen them in quite some time so that will be an enjoyable way to end my Thursday!

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