Monday, August 9, 2010


Today is my sixtieth birthday, but I'm going to talk about my second birthday -- the earliest one that I recall. (And yes, I truly do have memory of the day -- one day I'll blog about a memory I have of an even earlier event in my life!)
I remember coming downstairs on the morning of August 9, 1952, too young really to know that it was my special day other than my mother was telling me it was.
Birthdays were always very special events in our home -- it was the birthday child's day (hence, to this day, it is the actual day of my birthday on which my special day must be celebrated).
On this morning, my mother didn't even take the time to "change my bum" (I was a bed-wetter) -- she simply stripped me of my wet bottom and led me downstairs to the livingroom.
There sat the most beautiful tricycle ever (I have no idea if it was new or used -- it didn't matter).
Oh, I was excited!
But it was too big for me to get up on it by myself.
I clearly recall the raucous laughter in response to my declaration as my mother placed me on the seat, telling me it was mine -- for my birthday.
"This bike is for bare bums only!"  I yelled in glee.
That tricycle was all mine -- not to be shared with any of my, by now, five siblings.  No longer would I have to wait for one of my sisters to let me play on her coveted bike.
My second birthday must have been particularly special, because it would appear to be the only birthday on which photos were taken of me (there were several taken throughout that day).  At least I don't seem to have photos of any other of my childhood birthdays.
Fifty-eight years later, that morning is still burned in my memory like it happened yesterday -- "This bike is for bare bums only!" 
Fortunately, the photo op waited until I was dressed!
Other memorable birthdays for me were:
My 25th, the year my little chickadee was born (I spent the night of my birthday in the hospital, trying to have a baby -- false labour -- she was born 20 days later, still three weeks early as it turned out.)
My 45th, the year I met John (having met on-line earlier in the year, I met him "in person" the day before my birthday; by October, we were living together).
My 55th was spent riding The Rocky Mountaineer Railtour, which is something everyone should do at least once in their lifetime.  It was awesome.  We were guests of the owner, so the staff made a particular fuss over us, and they marked my birthday in every special way possible, including presenting me with a souvenir book of the Tour, signed by each of them.  At that time I was claiming to always being "21" so the card that the owner sent made reference to my 21st birthday (I've since added a few years, becoming a more realistic 29).  We had a blast!
And now, my 60th will be marked with family and special friends whom I don't get to see nearly often enough, and we are gathering in the same location where John and I married back in 1997.  At least one special friend from every decade of my life will be there.  Included in today's gathering will be:
  • My first-ever best friend, since 1950 -- my older sister.  She's "been there" since the day I was born (at least, since the day she brought me home from the hospital).
  • A good friend from high school in the 1960s (she of many last names now) -- since reconnecting a couple of years ago, we keep trying to "do lunch" but something (life?) keeps getting in the way.
  • A very special friend whom I first met in 1967 and we were tight as thieves through the 1970s.  (She's the mother of my "first born" actually, whose two children will also be there -- does that make them my first grandchildren?).  We've remained in telephone contact but seldom actually get to see each other in recent years, so this will be a special treat.
  • My very closest friend since 1980.   (The mother of my "other children," one of whom will also be there -- he was one of my earliest "intended" but he threw me over like a hot potato when he fell in love with Lady Diana.) We see each other as frequently as we can manage but do best friends ever see each other often enough?
  • A very close friend since 1982 -- originally a work colleague, and still someone with whom I greatly enjoy spending time.  Our visiting opportunities had become less frequent in recent years, but will increase now, just because they will, honest.
  • Several couples (including my Angel and her husband) who have become very special to me since John introduced me to them back in 1995/96.  They all  so very graciously accepted me into their circles when John called to tell them of the "special woman" in his life.
  • And of course, all our children will be there -- John's three with their families, and mine (my little chickadee and my beautiful boy).  Unfortunately, Pauple and his daughter will be missing because, well, duty calls (someone has to pay for the beer!).
This one will be special indeed, on a lot of levels.


Natalie said...

Interesting that 5 years ago you were celebrating your 21st birthday, and now you are celebratin 29...where'd you learn that math?

Happy Birthday Mom!

C. Bonnie Fowler said...

I know, I know ... it's just that I was getting way too much grief about being 21 so many times, so I had to up it. I liked 29 (it represents an important date in my life!) so thought I'd use that.
Since I'm lying anyway, does the math really have to work?