Saturday, June 26, 2010

This will be really quick ...

Quick is an understatement.
Just wanted to touch base and switch topics around here for a couple of days.
Yesterday we went to my Angel's place so John could take pictures of a particular plant that grows on their property.
I got to visit with my Angel while he worked.
Except the battery for the his camera was at home on the charger!
So we had a nice visit.
And today, we're going back, with the charged battery, so he can take the pictures he so wants to have in his gallery.
And I get to visit again with my Angel.
Whose birthday it happens to be on this coming Monday.
And her family is getting together at her daughter's place this afternoon -- just gathering around the pool to celebrate her birthday.
Since we'll be there, we're crashing the birthday party.
Such fun!
I'm even gonna dress up in one of the dresses I bought earlier this Spring.
Just because I have the dresses.
And I have to wear them somewhere.
A party is the perfect place to wear a new dress, isn't it?
At least when we arrive at the crash site, I'll be dressed appropriately for the event!
Gotta go.
Have to get beautiful for the party.
Tempus fugit.

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