Thursday, April 22, 2010

My Tummy Tuck is getting closer

I've made an appointment for a consultation with the tummy tuck surgeon.
Wednesday, May 19th, at 2:00pm --
It's karma; I don't even have to make a special trip into the big city for it.
Turns out that date falls on the same cycle as my physio appointment.
So, after my physio on that day, I'll meet my sister-in-law for lunch (she doesn't know that yet, but I'll bring her up to speed when I see her on Saturday); then I'll mosey on off to consult with the surgeon.
And, unless he has some compelling argument not to go ahead with this venture, the procedure will be booked for some four to eight weeks from that visit.
I'm told that the recovery takes a mere two to three weeks.
However, given my fibro, I'm sure I can count on perhaps double that time.
But I am oh so ready for this.
Which means that, given the timeline ...
By the time my 60th birthday rolls around ...
I'll have the flat tummy I've dreamed of for nigh on 35 years!
Stay tuned.  I promise to document the experience here.


Shannon YFN said...

You want more pain? Are you crazy? Flat stomachs are for teenagers anyhow!!! Will they give you a 2 for 1? I would like boobs (where they are suppose to be!!!) Family Discount?

C. Bonnie Fowler said...

Don't really want more pain, no. But I DO want a flat tummy, and if I have to endure pain for a few weeks to get it, so be it.

As to the boobs, my little chickadee has already requested that what is removed from my tummy be used for her boob job. Perhaps you could get in on that deal? I'm sure there will be plenty to go around!

Surely, a potential threesome should be worth some kind of discount?