Friday, January 8, 2010

Will I EVER Catch On?

There is a pattern.
Really there is.
You see, I was sick as 2009 turned to 2010.
Couldn't really put my finger on an ailment, per se, but I was definitely sick.
Now I read an article in the paper about the norovirus that is making the rounds in the region.
Yup, that's what it was alright.
At least, in the absence of a precise medical diagnosis, I will declare that I contracted a bout of the norovirus to help me bring in the new year.
The symptoms certainly fit, in any event.
Since the culprit itself has run its course, I've been battling heightened pain.
That's right.  After declaring myself "back in the land of the living" because I was feeling so much better for having come out of the fog of whatever I had been fighting, I've been dealing with much greater generalized pain than had been my "norm" for the past while.
My physiotherapist is away this week so I had to forego that treatment, which is unfortunate because I really needed it on Monday.
On Tuesday, my hips were so bad that I wore the TENs unit all day trying to get relief (it worked, while it was strapped to me).
Yesterday, my bi-weekly massage therapy resumed after being interrupted since early December.  My therapist found knots in a whole host of new places and when she was working the hip area, I was crying out in pain.
Normally, on the night that I've had my massage, I sleep like a baby; but not this time.  I woke repeatedly last night; my hips were burning with pain, presumably because the manipulation from the massage has them so inflamed.  But that doesn't usually happen as a result of my treatment.
And just this morning, the light went on.
Of course.
I had to call on my resources to battle a virus, which left me depleted.
So I am now enjoying a fibro flare-up.
And when I'm in a fibro flare-up, everything hurts.
Big time.
You'd think, after more than 30 years of this nonsense, I'd have caught on to the pattern by now.
Now, I get to wait this one out.
What fun!


Christine said...

Its amazing how these things catch us unawares. But (and I know its small comfort!!) at least you know what it is and know it will pass eventually. For now, take it easy and enjoy your new TV and a good book.

C. Bonnie Fowler said...

Don't have my new TV yet -- it's being delivered on the 28th. But got lotsa books!!!!!!