Sunday, January 24, 2010

Now For My New Plan

It seems that I've settled into what I'm calling my "new" pain threshhold.  At least, I'm coping with it at this level.
So, as of tomorrow I'm decreasing the Cesamet dosage again.
John isn't convinced that I should be doing this.  He's concerned about an increase in my pain level.
But my doctor's instructions were to decrease by .5mg per week and I haven't done that.
I think it was wise of me NOT to decease the dosage as quickly as the doctor wanted me to.  My body needed more than a week to adjust to the new level of pain that it had to endure as a result of the reduction.
Now that I've adjusted to this pain level as my new "norm" I will risk thrusting myself into another round of misery.  I will reduce the Cesamet dosage by .5mg as of tomorrow to see if that makes a further improvement to my appetite.
I hope it takes a couple of days before my body realises that it isn't getting the same dose of Cesamet to which it had become accustomed.
It took almost ten days at the lower dose before we noticed that I had a bit of an appetite.  For that reason alone, it would seem silly to decrease the dosage any faster than every two weeks, I think.
So, my next reduction in dosage will not happen until February 8th.  At this rate, I won't be taking my last Cesamet capsule until May 1st, unless my doctor instructs me otherwise.
Let's hope this treatment plan is not for nought.

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