Monday, July 15, 2013

Was I ever productive yesterday!

I don't know what has caused this turn-around.
Be it the cortisone injection at work or the Synvisc injections finally kicked in, or both. I simply can't say.
But yesterday I was like the whirling dervish of household achievements.
It felt so good to be able to do.  So, being as how I am that kind of personality, I did!
After breakfast, I needed to go into Carleton Place to do some shopping.  Had to stop at three different shops before I could come home.  (Made it just one time to have lunch, which luckily I had prepared the day before.)
Then it was time for the ball game to start.  (Booooorrrrrrrring!)
While the boring game was on, I had to make our weekly contingent of morning muffins (why does it always happen on the hottest day of the year that we run out of muffins?)
Then, since I was baking anyway,  I made a most fabulous dessert, the Very Berry Galette which had caught my eye in this month's Chatelaine magazine.  
It was oh so good!  It intrigued me because it has so much fruit and very little added sugar.  (Rather than making the pastry, I used a Tenderflake Deep Dish pie shell which I thawed and rolled out -- it worked just fine.)
John declared the recipe a keeper!
Next up was dinner.
Earlier that morning, I had been cleaning up some computer files and came across a recipe that sounded fairly promising.  So the grocery trip had included buying what I needed to make Baked Chicken Parmesan with Roasted Summer Squash.
It too was declared a keeper.  Yum, it was good!
All in all, yesterday was a bang-up day for working in the kitchen.
It has to be that cortisone injection on Friday.
Me thinks I'm garnering benefit of wide spread systemic relief from it.

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