Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Physio Day

It being Tuesday, I'll be going into the big city today for physio.  And it's a very much-needed session this week, not having had massage last Thursday.  (Therapist took a week's holidays, imagine!)
Last night was a very difficult one, riddled with pain.  I can't imagine why it's so painful to lie on my left side.   It's an artificial hip for goodness' sake -- what the heck can be hurting??????
Anyway, I'll discuss the matter with my therapist today to see what she can suggest.  I'm stymied!
This is haircut time so I'll be staying overnight at my little chickadee's tonight.  That means I get to spend time with my striking young man too.  It just happens to be his soccer night so I'll get to take in a practice.  (Too bad it's not a game night, but I'll take what I can get.)
It also means that we get to go for breakfast tomorrow morning before he heads off to his day camp and I head home.
Bonus all around!

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