Thursday, July 19, 2012

Some friends are sent from heaven

I have the best friends in the world.
Really I do.
Most of them, I don't see nearly often enough.
Seems life just gets in the way.
But we are in touch frequently, be it by e-mail or telephone.
And every contact is like we just talked yesterday.  Very comfortable and fit-like-a-glove kind of rapport.
Late yesterday afternoon, John decided that he needed a diversion from "stuff" that's been going on.  He thought we should go for tea to a friend's place after dinner.
"Tonight?" I queried.  "Kind of last minute, don't you think?"
"Yes tonight," he said.  "Call and see if it's OK."
So call I did.
At 5:00pm.
They were about to have dinner but absolutely we could join them for tea.  Come any time.  (It's a good 40 minute drive.)
So we had dinner and we left home at 5:30pm.  We stopped to buy sticky buns to have with their tea.
We arrived to a welcoming committee (they were that delighted with our impromptu visit), and a platter of cheese with fresh-baked bread.  That was followed by hot-out-of-the-oven home-made cinnamon buns to die for.  Then came the tea.
It was a delightful evening of gab.
And escape.
Just what John needed.  It did his soul good.
Of course, it did my soul good too because the friend he wanted to see just happens to be the husband of one of my very favourite people.  She's one of those friends who is sent from heaven.
Guess that's another reason to call her my ANGEL!

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