Thursday, July 7, 2011

Last night was a disaster!

Well, last night was a disaster.
When I put the CPAP machine together yesterday (after having taken it to see the rep), the chamber cover would not lock. Every time I closed it, it popped open again. On inspection, I noticed that it was broken. (It obviously had not been broken prior to my having taken it to the rep, and it must not have been broken while I was there because he hooked it up and tested me at the higher pressure level, albeit without water).
Anyway, I decided to try it without the catch, and as soon as the water heated up, the cover would bounce open and the machine started whistling -- that just wouldn't work. So I secured the lid with an elastic band and tried again.
With the higher pressure, and the tube wrapping, and the tighter mask, I was ready to go. Almost immediately there was water dripping on my face (inside the mask). No leakage whatsoever, but definitely water inside. Humidity too high? I turned it down. Still water dripping on me. That is unbelievably uncomfortable (and it was worse than it had been at the lower pressure level).
I tried about four times (wiping myself up and drying the inside of the mask between attempts) and the same thing happened each time. So I gave up in frustration and just tried to go to sleep.
Sleep eluded me though cuz I'm concerned that I will be held liable for the broken chamber cover.
I certainly did not abuse the machine but I have no idea what happened to it or how it got damaged.
I left an emergency message for the rep this morning.
Not sure how we proceed from here.

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