Monday, April 11, 2011

This fatigue has GOT to end!

I, for one, have had enough of this.
Fatigue, be gone, I say!
Pain, too, for that matter.
In spite of the fatigue, I vowed I was going to walk this morning.  Oh, sure I am!
Right from the get-go, my right hip was objecting, big time. And a mere three minutes into the walk, my left hip started giving me old what-for.  By the time I gave up, at the six minute mark, my hands were swollen again and it was an effort to put one leg in front of the other.
This flare-up is obviously in the more serious category of flare-ups.  I've never had one last quite this long before (at least I don't recall one ever lasting this long).
Yesterday, I managed to do two loads of laundry.  But it took all the energy I had.  That was it for the day.  Now that, my friends, is simply pathetic!
Today, I've managed to make breakfast, get in that six-minute walk, strip the bed, put in a load of laundry, and do my bookkeeping.  I'll re-make the bed later, when I have a burst of energy -- hopefully that will happen some time before bedtime!
Really though, this is getting beyond ridiculous.
A three-day trip!  That's all I did.  And I have to pay with seven (or more) days of absolutely no energy?
My little chickadee suggested that I must be fighting something; it can't just be a flare-up.  Perhaps she's on to something.  Because yesterday, I was also freezing.  Just couldn't get warm no matter what I did.  Then five minutes later I was sweating buckets.
Time will tell.  I'll either get sick(er), or I'll recover.
I'm seeing two doctors this week -- ortho surgeon tomorrow to discuss my hip replacement surgery, then my own doctor on Thursday.  Perhaps it's serendipitous that I have that Thursday appointment.  By then, there might be more evidence of whatever I'm fighting and the doctor can actually diagnose something?
Maybe he can fix me.

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