Saturday, December 5, 2009

John did his Christmas Shopping

So he has now completed his wish list.
And thank God he gives his list to me and doesn't actually mail it to Santa.
Cuz THIS is what his "list" looks like:

I kid you not!
It's on a 3x5 index card that he thought he'd recycle (note the scratched out fax number; there's also old information on the flip side) and he tells me that this is his Christmas list.  (Damned good thing I was with him when he made that list cuz I wouldn't have a clue what in hell he was talking about otherwise.)
No "Dear Santa."
No "I've been a very good boy all year." (Cuz THAT would be, well, you know ...)
No, "Thank you for the gifts you left last year."
None of the niceties that one teaches a child to include in a letter to Santa.
Oh now I get it -- that's why he calls it a wish list rather than a letter to Santa!   Duhhhhh!!!!
But you know, just as a letter should have a sender, a wish list should have a wisher.
And I don't see anything on this piece of paper to even tell me what it is.  It actually looks like an old note that John must have dropped.
I guess I'll just put it in the bag of burnable garbage; I can't imagine what else it could be for.

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