Sunday, August 10, 2014

A good time was had by all

My birthday celebration was a deliberately quiet one this year, in deference to the recent passing of my beautiful Suzanne.
Three invitees were unable to join me, one due to illness, two because they had made other plans after I had earlier said I was doing "nothing" to mark the day this year.  (They believed me!)
And my grandson wasn't here because he's away at cadet camp for two weeks.
But we had a birthday meal of lasagna and salad, 

followed by "birthday cake" in the the form of MLC's current specialty:  funnel cake.  (OMG, it's good!)

We posed for a group photo before my guests headed home.

Later in the evening, I had a surprise visit from Baby Briella who brought her parents over so she could give me a birthday kiss.  They also gifted me a lovely bird-motif wooden coat hook and some fresh-baked butter tarts (that are absolutely yummy!).  I think these new neighbours are keepers!
Like I said, nice quiet celebration.  Just as I ordered.

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