Friday, June 17, 2011

Week One of Heaven

It's now been a full week since that steroid injection and I continue to enjoy its benefits.
My sleep has greatly improved -- I'm managing four hours straight before I wake, having to change positions.  And the change of position isn't nearly the exercise it used to be, now that I have a working hip.
I'm getting a full fifteen minutes every day on the stationary bike and not suffering too much for the effort ('cept my weight is finally moving in the right direction!).
Now that I'm walking like a normal person, without a limp, my SI joint is not inflamed so I don't have that problem plaguing me either.
The domino effect is truly amazing, and at least this time it's a positive one.
I've found out that if I stress my hip in ways that I shouldn't, it wastes no time letting me know that I'm doing a no-no.
Things like taking those long strides that are my nature.
Or taking side steps.
Or walking too quickly, which is also my nature.
And I guess I've discovered that my body really will tell me when enough's enough.
Yesterday, we attended a funeral service in the big city. I had to park a couple of blocks away, which meant that we walked a bit of a distance.  Then we stood around in the funeral parlour before the service.  We stood around some more at the reception, after which we walked that same distance back to the car and I drove home.  En route, we stopped at the grocery store, which we all know involves considerable walking.
At some point during the night, my leg cramps started.
And the cramps continue this morning.
My physiotherapist's first question would be: "Did you do a lot of walking, or standing yesterday?"
Hence, today becomes a day of enforced rest and relaxation to allow my legs to recover (but there is no hip pain!).
There is only one downside to this improved left hip situation.
Already my right hip is starting to complain about the increased activity.  I'm ignoring its pleas right now because they aren't loud enough to worry about yet.  But I know, from past experience, that I will have to deal with it before it starts screaming at me.
That's a discussion I'll have with my physiotherapist next week:  How can I best minimize the impact on my right hip while enjoying the benefits of a working left hip? 

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