Saturday, June 11, 2011

Heaven, I'm in heaven ...

Yup, this is what heaven's like, I'm sure of it.
Last night, I only woke once -- at 12:30pm to change sides.  Next time I came to life, it was 5:30am and I was totally refreshed.
Five hours straight, unbelievable!!!!!
And I feel so rested today.
Even more so than I did yesterday.
I'm guessing that tomorrow will be better still.
I'm walking like a normal person -- you wouldn't even know that I have two hips that don't work properly.
I do have to be careful though.
Certain movements cause a nag pain, just enough to remind me that my hips are delicate. For instance, it is my nature to walk with long strides (I am, after all, long legged) but if I do, my groin pulls in pain telling me that that's a no-no.  And side stretches are still a bit of a problem.
So, I have to remember to shorten my stride and not take side steps.
Surely, that shouldn't be too difficult to do.
Of course, my right hip is already starting to object to the extra activity and I knew to expect that.  I just didn't think it would happen quite this quickly.
So that means that I have to slow down, take things a little more slowly than I'd like so as no to get my right hip inflamed to the point that I can't enjoy the benefit of the left hip's improvement.
Like I said yesterday, it really is too bad they can't (won't) inject both hips simultaneoulsy and give me bilateral relief.
Just think what I could accomplish if I had two working hips.
In the meantime ...
Heaven, I'm in heaven ...

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