Thursday, October 22, 2009

Revelation Day ...

Today, I find out the results of the EEG.
And the bloodwork and the X-ray, too.
But it is the EEG that interests me.
I really hope they didn't find that for which they were looking.
Will I be able to resume my own chauffeur driving duties after this visit?
It would seem that John and I are not the only people who are anxious for this visit to happen.
My doctor's office called yesterday to confirm that I would be there for the appointment.
They have NEVER done that (other than when I've had an annual physical booked).
And I've been seeing this doctor for over 30 years.
Kind of gives you pause, doesn't it?
Could be a simple change in office procedure.
Or could be he got results back and wanted to be damned sure I was going to be there (read: his staff was instructed to call me in and since I was on the books, they called to ensure I was in fact going to be there?)
Anyway, only a few more hours before I find out.
I also received a call from a doctor at the Truro Hospital yesterday.
Seems they just got the results of some of the bloodwork that was done on October 4th (sure glad it wasn't anything too very pressing!)
My Topamax level is very low and they would like to send the report to my doctor.  She was delighted that I was able to give her his fax number.  She would send that off to him right away so that he'd have it for my appointment this morning.  I didn't bother telling her that of course that level is low.  My seizures have been fully controlled for the past 21 years. I take the anti-seizure / anti-migraine medication more to reduce the frequency of migraines than for its anti-seizure properties.
So now my doctor and I have yet another item to discuss at this appontment this morning.
Like there wasn't enough on the agenda already.
And we have to stop in at the hearing aid place because it seems that my left hearing aid is kaput yet again.  I'm beginning to wonder about the quality of chips being used in this new-fangled  technology!
Another physio session today and my physiotherapist will be pleased to have been wrong.  Twelve weeks my you-know-what!
I'm not wearing the collar around the house any more. 
I will wear it for the car drive into Ottawa though because I know that I will need it for that.
My neck is still sore and still doesn't like certain movement but the dizziness and nausea seem to have stopped.
The severe pain has stopped.
And my range of motion is mostly back.
Discomfort is still evident but I expect that will be the case for a while.
Certain reaches hurt but that is to be expected.
But overall, I am much improved.
And I expect that I am vastly improved since last week in terms of physiotherapy expectations.  I was told to go slow and easy, which I did (sort of).  I just wasn't going to take 12 weeks -- that's ridiculous!
This was supposed to be my hair cut / sleep over in Ottawa day but because I don't have my "freedom of wheels permission" as I leave home this morning, I can't stay overnight tonight.
So after physio, we head over to my daughter's place for a visit.  Haven't seen her since we got back from Nova Scotia.  My beautiful boy must be missing me cuz he actually told me that he would give me five (did you hear me -- FIVE - that is four more than one!) hugs when he sees me.  That's huge coming from him and I plan to collect every one of them!
My little chickadee will take me to get my haircut (hairdresser's home business is just a few blocks away) while John stays with my beautiful boy.  Then we'll all have supper before John and I head home.
That will make for a long enough day indeed.

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