Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Decision is Made

I will NOT be going to Barrhaven today to get in the queue for the H1N1 flu vaccination.
Not because I don't want to get the shot, you realize.
But more because I cannot drive an hour to wait an undetermined length of time in line without having the next day to recover before asking my body to engage in anything else physically demanding.
And tomorrow, I HAVE to go into Ottawa to see the ENT specialist.
No choice on that one.
I have to sort out this hearing aid issue.
So, the decision becomes an easy one, really.
"A woman has got to know her limitations,"  to misquote a favourite spaghetti film star.
And I know my limitations.
If I go to Barrhaven today, I will not be able to go to Ottawa tomorrow.
Plain and simple.
So, I guess I'll just watch those reports and see when the next opportunity for the swine flu shot presents itself.
Or not.
I'll just wait and watch.
I've heard that term before with respect to health care.

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