Thursday, January 3, 2013

OK, time to get back to normalcy

I almost feel like I should be doing an essay on "How I spent my Christmas Vacation."
This holiday period has been very reminiscent of holidays past, when I did not have to go to the office for the period between Christmas and New Year's.  It was wonderful.
And how did I spend that time?
Doing jigsaw puzzles.
Eating black licorice, dry roasted peanuts, and cherry chocolates.
I remember always spending that period with a terrific migraine.  Eventually it became evident that peanuts and chocolate were major triggers for my migraines.  Once I eliminated those foods from my diet, my migraines lessened somewhat.  (They didn't totally go away, but at least I didn't keep myself in migraine status quite so seriously, and I sure missed my daily peanut butter intake.)
Anyway, fast forward to 2012 holiday when I can again eat peanuts and chocolate without risk of having a migraine (they stopped completely back in 2008 -- without explanation).
This is the first holiday I've spent in over 25 years doing jigsaw puzzles (OK, I did ONE puzzle but it was a doozer!).
And reading -- I'm starting my third book already.
And eating all the junk food I don't normally eat.  The scale indicates that I need to stop doing that.  My clothes indicate that I need to get moving and lose weight -- fast!
So, it's time to get back to normal lifestyle around here.
The party's over!

1 comment:

Natalie said...

Thank goodness it only happens once a year!