Saturday, December 18, 2010

All I want for Christmas ...

... is a pair of legs that work.
Please Santa.
That means I need a pair of hips that work, because it follows that if my hips could function, my legs would work.
I am soooooo tired of these damned hips, of the constant pain.
Does anyone out there have any idea how fatigue-inducing it is to have to "drag" one's legs around all day -- legs that just don't want to co-operate with you?
How annoying it is to wake constantly all night long from the pain coursing down your legs (emanating from the hips)?
Yes, I'm sure there are lots of people who know precisely what it's like.
Because my hips don't work as they should, I can't tell one leg to move in front of the other; I have to almost "roll" my body from side to side in order to walk forwards.
And that is exhausting.
A simple change of position -- from any position to any position -- causes excruciating pain in the groin.
And the need to change position is never-ending because no position is comfortable for any length of time.
Car travel is difficult because sitting is difficult.  And my legs need to be rearranged constantly; not easy to do in a vehicle (fortunately, my car gives me some leeway in that depatment).
When I watch television, I'm like a jumping jack (albeit a slow one) because I simply cannot stay put for long periods of time.
And while I have to "keep moving," every movement hurts.
And the pain doesn't lessen as I keep moving -- it heightens if I push myself through the pain.
There are no easy answers.
All I want for Christmas is for the pain to stop.
I've been a good girl Santa, honest I have.

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