Friday, February 19, 2010

The Truth Emerges ...

For as long as I've known John, one of his favourite sayings has been, "A woman can't be too thin or too rich."
We've had lots of fun with it over the years.
Though John liked to tell his friends that he "married a rich woman," I was neither rich nor thin.
And as the years progressed, I got progressively 'not thinner.'
But he continued to love me anyway.
And he continued to assert that a woman could be neither too thin nor too rich.
He could never tell me who he was quoting (or misquoting).
Eventually, I took the time to research it and properly attribute it to Wallis Warfield Simpson, the former Duchess of Windsor (who was certainly very thin; and by our standards would have been very rich to be sure).  I always loved their story.  One of my favourite biographical histories is "The Woman He Loved, The Story of the Duke & Duchess of Windsor" by Ralph G. Martin.  It's the story about the king who abdicated for the woman he loved and it kind of helped me set the bar to hold out until I met someone who loved me enough to "give up his throne" for me, so to speak. 
When I met John, I was his Wallis Warfield Simpson and he was my Prince Charming.  (Except I wasn't rich, and I wasn't thin and he didn't have a throne to give up; we compromised!)
Anyway, this morning, I announced that I have now, officially, hit the 30-pound weight loss mark.  My policy has been to not consider a weight loss until the number holds for three days.  And this morning, for the third morning running, my weight is coming in at precisely 30 pounds less than had been my "norm" for way too many years.
John commented, "Well, you certainly don't need to lose any more."
My immediate reaction to that was, "That's what my little chickadee said.  She thinks I'm already way too thin and told me that there's no way I'm having surgery to get rid of my tummy!"
And then, "Hey, I thought you said a woman could never be too rich or too thin!  Ummmm, perhaps I can be too thin?"
I believe that I am now about ten pounds smaller than I was when we met fifteen years ago, although I am still a lot heavier than I was in my youth (I was quite anorexic-looking pre-25 years old).
So I guess it doesn't matter now that I'm not really rich, because apparently I am now too thin.
One out of two ain't bad, is it?

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