Monday, February 22, 2010

Aaaccckkkkk, I'm Getting Fat Again!

Oh, alright, that's a bit of an exaggeration.
Just a wee bit of an exaggeration in fact.
But I am up two pounds this morning.
I was up those same two pounds yesterday morning.
If I remain up those two pounds tomorrow morning, it becomes an official two-pound weight gain.
Can't have that!
I like this new svelte body of mine.
OK, that too might be a bit of an exaggeration.
I probably will never again have a 'svelte' body type, given my age and mobility limitations.
But I do like my new slimmer body, if I could just get rid of this damned tummy that has been my nemesis for thirty years.
You see, I've had abdominal surgery on three of the four quadrants of my tummy, leaving me no muscle group to 'tighten' so no number of sit-ups is going to rid me of this excess.  I was given that bad news thirty years ago when I complained about my tummy that I couldn't seem to eliminate, although I was 'rail thin' at the time.
When I see my physiotherapist this week, I will again discuss with her just how the procedure is performed (she has such a wide client base, she has a deep well of recommendations from which to draw).  And I will leave there with the name of the surgeon who has performed successful procedures on her clients.
Then when I talk to my doctor the next morning, I want a referral to that surgeon with whom I will discuss my candidacy for the procedure as well as the specifics of what would/could be done in my case and whether or not he would perform the procedure under local anaesthetic.
I figure that if women can undergo caesarean section deliveries with just local freezing, I can endure something like a tummy tuck without the anaesthetic that I cannot electively subject myself to unless a whole lot of other safeguards are first put in place to ensure that I will awaken from it.
Lots of topics on the plate for this months's discussion with my doctor.

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