Friday, February 12, 2010

Cesamet Experiment - Progress Report

Well, I don't have much to report, really.
I'm still eating, without abdominal discomfort or pain.
And my intake at each sitting has now become "acceptable."
"And that's a good thing," to quote someone who kind of tends to make me gag.
My hips feel marginally better.
And that, too, is promsing.
So, what am I learning thus far?
I'm learning that maybe, just maybe, the Cesamet had nothing to do with my eating disorder.
Maybe I didn't have an eating disorder at all.
Maybe I just wanted to drop thirty pounds from some inexplicable cause (but not without a 'need,' of course).
And maybe I just wanted to have excruciating pain every time I tried to consume food (my brain's way of telling me to drop those extra pounds perhaps?)
And now, maybe my body simply got tired of all the stupidity so it called a halt and "just turned around and went home" as it were.  Kind of like Forrest Gump when he got to the end of his walk (I loved that scene -- didn't you?)
Anyway, I'm still going to continue with my experiment and will stay at this level (4mg per day) through next week to see if anything changes.
My next adjustment is scheduled to happen on the 22nd and I see my medic on the 25th of this month so perhaps by then, I'll have a clearer indication of whether or not Cesamet is/was indicated in the problem.

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