Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Fibro rears its ugly head

I was doing so well.
Until Sunday when havoc broke out in our home (a severely blocked toilet).  Nothing would solve the problem.
Fortunately we have another downstairs so I was at least able to relieve myself.  Was a pain having to go downstairs during the the night though.
The plumber was able to get here nice and early on Monday morning and he resolved the issue within minutes with his professional snake.  (The one we had bought from the hardware store wasn't nearly up to the job.)
All was well in the Fowler household again.
Except the Mack trucks had invaded the bedroom overnight.
I had obviously done too much with all the ups and downs involved in trying to resolve the bathroom issue, not to mention having to go up and down every time I had to "go."  (Yes, by the end of the day I was using the stair lift!)
Needless to say, I'm in a flare-up and it's having an impact on my ability to rehab.
I went to rehab physio yesterday and the therapist chose not to introduce anything new yet, since I could barely do the minimum as it was.  So she taped me up again and sent me on my way.  (She has been taping my knee to provide extra stability for it and it really makes a difference all around.)
Today, I am still sore as all get-out.
Not at all fun.
But I'm going into Ottawa for my "feel good" physiotherapy (read:  acupuncture).  That'll do the trick for sure.
Getting my hair cut later this afternoon too.  It needs it desperately.  
And I'm staying overnight at my little chickadee's so I won't be making the round trip in one day.  That means I get to have breakfast with my handsome young cadet in the morning.  Bonus!!!!!
Hopefully, I'll be in better shape tomorrow for my rehab physio.

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