Tuesday, May 22, 2012

OK, it isn't broken

It would seem that my foot is not broken, although it is badly bruised, and obviously sprained.
Staying off it over the weekend (well, as much as I could), really paid dividends.  I iced it three times a day and kept it elevated.
Each morning, I could see the improvement.
Today, I'm almost walking like a normal person again.  So it obviously is not broken because that simply wouldn't be possible if it were.
I'm going into the big city today for my physiotherapy session, which my body really needs, although I've been coping quite well this past week.
It seems that the weekly physio and massage treatments, combined with the daily exercises, are truly working well for me.
I'm up to five minutes on the stationary bicycle and I really do think I could tolerate longer but I don't want to overdo it and have a setback.  I'll discuss that with my physiotherapist today and seek her advice on how to proceed.
Bottom line is, once again, I'm on the road to improvement.  And that, as they say, is a good thing!

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