Friday, June 10, 2011


My left hip doesn't hurt!
Last night, I dreamt that I woke up this morning feeling refreshed.
I remember at one point waking up to John's shuffling about and telling him that I was dreaming about feeling refreshed.  It was weird indeed.
But what was really refreshing was the fact that I was able to move in bed without difficulty.  I mean, I got into bed and I didn't have to lift and shift and drag as I usually do.  I just got into bed and settled myself, much as a normal person would.
It was amazing.
I did still wake periodically to change positions, but I was even able to do that without too much trouble.  And without too much frequency too, I might add.  I think I only woke twice all night.  That's a record for me.
So when I actually did wake this morning feeling refreshed, I had to giggle since that's what I had been dreaming all night long.
Then, when I got out of bed and was able to walk normally, without my leg buckling under me in pain, I knew it was for real.
The steroid injection has taken effect and I love it!
The doctor did warn me against "going crazy" because, as he put it, "you can still do damage, you just won't feel the pain."
It's really too bad they won't give me a shot in each hip simultaneously because I'm still going to be held back by my right hip, but that pain is somewhat bearable, unless the bursa gets inflamed again.  (That's where the damned pacing comes in.)
So, cautious I will be.  But I gotta tell you -- this is heaven!

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