Thursday, September 2, 2010

Still Waiting ...

This is all so annoying.
Good thing I have money in lots of bank accounts.
And good thing I have lots of money (so says my husband).
Because my August pension still hasn't appeared in my bank account and I had commitments to meet on the 1st of the month.
I talked with the Pension office on Monday, August 30th at which point we determined that Canada Post had returned my T4A back in February, which kick-started the process that put me into a "client has moved" category so they had been waiting all this time, unbeknownst to me, for me to contact them with my new address.
Of course, since I hadn't moved, and since I didn't know they were waiting to hear from me, I never contacted them with my "new address."
Until I didn't get my money.
The file was amended, with the explanation that I had not in fact moved -- Canada Post had simply decided to arbitrarily return the mail -- and a rush was put on the request to pay my August benefit.
Here it is, Thursday, September 2nd, and I'm still waiting.
Aren't computers wonderful?
Add to that the fact that Rogers Corporation is still feeking around with my Blue Jays games and airing most of the rest of the season on Rogers Sportsnet One, thus preventing me from watching my boys most nights.
Feel free to send your views about the Sportsnet One fiasco to
I am not happy.  Or, to quote MFN, I'm cranky!

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