Monday, July 26, 2010

Now it seems to be my lungs ...

That's right -- my lungs.  They simply aren't happy right now.
After waking yesterday morning feeling like I'd been run over by 20 mack trucks, I spent the day in and out of sleep.  Just wasn't up to anything all day long.
Prior to signing off last night, I announced to John that I must be coming down with something because my throat was sore.
And I woke every hour, but the kicker came when I woke up before midnight looking for my puffer.
I had been dreaming that I was choking but I guess I really was choking because I kind of came to as I was standing at the dresser, fumbling around for something, and John was asking me what I was doing.
"I'm looking for ...." I mumbled.
I remember the incident clearly; John has no recollection of it at all.  Apparently I was right out of it; I couldn't even think of the name of what it was I was trying to locate.
Eventually, I "found" the damned thing, inhaled twice and went back to bed.
I continued to wake every hour all night long.  (Do you know how many hours there are between midnight and 5:00am?   Answer:  LOTS)
Anyway, once again, I opted not to walk today.
My body just isn't up to the challenge.
Besides feeling like I haven't slept, my lungs really aren't happy.
So, another day of enforced rest.
I'm hoping this doesn't continue too much longer (or progress into anything too serious).
After all, I have plans ... places to go, people to see, and things to do ... no time to be sick!

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